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David Griswold


In 2009, David left a job at Google to lead wilderness trips in Yosemite, because he felt the most important thing he could do was to help kids reconnect with nature. Four years ago, pondering what to do about climate change in the months before his first daughter was born, he sat down to write the tale of a penguin and a polar bear working together to save the world's melting ice.

With the help of folks ranging from climate scientists, to lawyers, activists, and friends, the story has since evolved in a way he hopes addresses climate change’s overlapping environmental, racial, and social issues, while still retaining the heart, humor, and simplicity needed to make these issues accessible to the youngest among us. 


Eliza Reisfeld


Eliza Reisfeld is an illustrator and designer who loves visual story telling and character design. Her playful work is inspired by her passion for animals, nature, and the human connection. She captures charming personalities with a wide variety of mediums including paint, ink, clay, and digital media. After graduating from RISD with a BFA in Illustration, Eliza now resides in Oakland, where she designs and illustrates books, toys, and concept art for animation. She is the Art Director at RogueMark Studios, an all female animation studio in Berkeley, CA.